Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wine, Beer and Christmas

Well Christmas has come and gone...Although for us it's coming again this weekend. On New Year's Day Joe and I will be celebrating with his kids. I really can't wait for that. They were supposed to come on Christmas but plans changed. 

I got lots of good presents on Christmas. My 2 favorites are a Houdini Corkscrew and a case of Blue Moon Harvest Ale. I'm pretty sure Joe liked his gifts too.

On Christmas Eve I drank Cook's Champagne. There was some left so I had a mimosa on Christmas morning. I took a Strawberry Arbor Mist to my sister-in-law for her hostess gift. I also took a bottle of Fish Eye Cabernet Sauvignon to share and have with dinner. When we got home I opened a bottle of Barefoot Pinot Noir because I had to try out my new corkscrew. On Sunday, along with some snacks, I served Barb some Riesling and myself some Barefoot Moscato Spumante Champagne. Last night I made chili so decided to have some beer. I haven't decided, yet, on wine or beer for tonight. We're having Chinese food and then the Eagles play the Vikings at 8. 

Today I bought champagne and wine for New Year's. I stuck with what I know I like. I bought the Cook's and Barefoot Champagne and some Cabernet Sauvignon.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and has a Happy and Healthy New Year!

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