Thursday, December 2, 2010

Red Wine Sauce

I made a red wine sauce for chicken tonight. I used Cabernet Sauvignon because that's what I have in a box.  I didn't use a recipe though. My first try was milk and wine and it was purple. Then I rethought the milk and wine combo. So I made it the way I make my gravy. I poured some wine in a pan with a bit of chicken stock and added Wondra quick-mixing flour. I stirred it until it bubbled and reduced a bit then poured it over the chicken. The chicken was cooked and had caramelized onions on top. I put in back in the oven while I mashed potatoes. It thickened up perfectly and tasted really good. It was even good on the potatoes. Now I'm drinking some of the Cabernet and waiting for the Eagles game to come on.

My interview today, from my point of view, could not have gone better. I filled out the application and said "I didn't see a spot on there but I was referred by Laurie." The lady said "Oh she told me all about you! Let me interview you now."  She asked me a bunch of questions and wrote down my answers. My answer to one question made her draw a smiley face next to it. Then she gave me a tour. So many cute kids and friendly staff. I got to see Laurie! The last time I saw her was 2 years ago, under sadder conditions. As is usually the case for PV alumni it was at a classmates funeral. 

Speaking of that, a 1997 Pleasant Valley alumni died this passed Friday. He is survived by 2 very young sons and a beautiful wife. Rest in Peace Jason. May God Bless your family.

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